3 reviews

Foraging Fun Treat Mix
Regular price
Get them moving!!! Foraging is important enrichment for your flock. I see a lot of people are stumped at what to fill their bird's foraging toys with, so here is a great mix for foraging toys! Small bites of various fruits and veggies that will work in foraging wheels, cups or mats.These may include banana, pepper chunks, mango, blueberries, peas, corn etc. These mixes will vary but will be packed with healthy treats to make it simple for you to provide enrichment for your bird.
Magaly My birds really like this!
Ferol Max Mango really enjoys this mixed with his pellets and chop. I've been satisfied with the quality and palatability of everything we've gotten and we're definitely loyal customers!
Donna Swearingin My bird isn't sure about it yet but I love it !